Professor/1:e sjukhusfysiker. Department of Radiation. Physics. Telephone. +46 31-786 67 46 · +46 703-72 26 26. Mail.
Lund reports on atomic physics, lrap 343 We compare the scintillator output with the energy loss according to GEANT4 simulations and determine the quenching Hardware setup for synchronisation of tracker and list mode pet data.
3: 115: December 12, 2020 • Assigned to Geant4 particle types in Physics List – Three EM base processes: • G4VEmProcess • G4VEnergyLossProcess • G4VMultipleScattering • A physical process can be simulated according to several models – each model being described by a model class – Naming scheme : « G4ModelNameProcessNameModel » Hadronic physics fails in my custom physics list after migrating from Geant4 10.6.1 to 10.6.3. 3: 115: December 12, 2020 Physics A new Geant4 physics list is prepared for nuclear physics applications in the domain dominated by spallation. The C++ translation of original Fortran INCL intra-nuclear cascade and ABLA fission/de-excitation codes are used in the physics list. Physics and Physics List in Geant4 Giuliana Milluzzo INFN – Laboratori Nazionali del Sud Based on a presentation by G.A.P. Cirrone (INFN-LNS) and Luciano Pandola III International Geant4 and GPU programming school In GEANT4, a Physics List is a consistent set of physics models that is able to cover all combinations of incident particle type, energy, and target material.
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Geant4 provides several “reference physics lists” which are routinely validated and updated with each release ! these should be considered only as starting points which you may need to modify for your application ! There are also many physics lists in the examples which can copy ! To allow comparison to results obtained with older releases of Geant4, i.e. 8.2 and before, these lists are provided for a transisition period.
A map of models (accurate as of Geant4 v10.1β) is shown below. Map of models for the INCLXX-based physics lists in Geant4 v10.1β. Until Geant4 v10.0 (included), INCL++'s upper limit of validity for the incident energy was about 3 GeV. You can look at the map of models for the INCLXX-based physics lists in Geant4 v10.0 here.
Geant4 is continuously evolving, so it is crucial to have a system that benchmarks this Monte Carlo code for medical physics against reference data and to perform regression testing. 2020-06-01 Physics List is a set of consistent physics models for each particle in application" • Users need guidance or help" • Geant4 offers starting points" • Responsibility of application developer" – To choose and, if needed, further develop" – To validate for his use case" • For EM physics… Geant4 Materials Tutorial Daniel Brandt, 04 April 2012 The physics list The physics list inherits from G4VUserPhysicsList.
Geant4 User's Guide for Toolkit Developers the toolkit), define the physics for the application (the physics list, possibly one of the few provided with the toolkit)
While Geant4 provides a number of ready-for-the-use physics lists, that are tailored to a number of different applications, it is always possible to write a user physics list, namely a class derived by G4VUserPhysicsList . Geant4 Materials Tutorial Daniel Brandt, 04 April 2012 The physics list The physics list inherits from G4VUserPhysicsList.
The uniform software design adopted since 2008 by both Geant4 electromagnetic physics working …
Rather than using predefined Geant4 physics reference lists such as FTFP_BERT, I am trying to create a physics list with particles and processes more relevant with the experiment I am simulating
00459 { 00460 //Prepare Physics table for all particles 00461 theParticleIterator->reset(); 00462 while ( (* Generated on Mon May 27 17:53:57 2013 for Geant4 by 1.4.7
A new Geant4 physics list is prepared for nuclear physics applications in the domain dominated by spallation. The C++ translation of original Fortran INCL intra-nuclear cascade and ABLA fission/de-excitation codes are used in the physics list.
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Geant4 19.05.05 PhysicsList 8 Example: hadrons and ions Hadrons (pions, kaons, proton,…) Light ions (deuteron, triton, alpha) Heavy ions (GenericIon) Example loop over list of particles: G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager(); G4String pName = particle->GetParticleName(); // Ions Building a physics list or choosing from already built physics lists is highly dependent on your use-case ! In either case, you need to be familiar with the major physics processes used to build them !
The test are executed using the CERN computing infrastructure. List of current tests Currently the G4-Med system includes 18 tests. 2013-10-01
Let's get started with some basic concepts and examples to understand how to choose a proper physics list for your Geant4 simulation.
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Its high energy part is taken from the FTFP_BERT physics list (now recommended by Geant4 for HEP) and radioactive decay has been added to deal with background radiation. All of the Geant4 reference physics lists, including Shielding and FTFP_BERT, are templated code which makes it difficult to know which processes, models and cross sections are in use at a given energy for a given particle.
build his/her own Physics list in his/her application ! or use already available EM physics constructors 1. If you choose to build your own Low Energy EM Physics list ! Refer to the Geant4 Low Energy EM working group website, List of available Geant4-DNA Physics constructors for liquid water G4EmDNAPhysics_option2 : accelerated default constructor, simulating electrons interactions up to 1 MeV, as well as all G4EmDNAPhysics_option4 : contains electron elastic and inelastic models by D. Emfietzoglou, I. Kyriakou, S. Geant4 19.05.05 PhysicsList 25 LHC Physics From TeV down to MeV energy scale for precise simulation of detector response Following lists are recommended for Geant4 version 7.0p01: – QGSP_GN (Quark Gluon String + PreCompound + Gamma-Nuclear) – QGSP_BERT (Quark Gluon String + PreCompound + Bertini Cascade) – QGSC (Quark Gluon String + CHIPS) The hadron physics constructor defines all stable and long-lived baryons, and all long-lived mesons.
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A new Geant4 physics list is prepared for nuclear physics applications in the domain dominated by spallation. The C++ translation of original Fortran INCL intra-nuclear cascade and ABLA fission/de-excitation codes are used in the physics list.
To do so, one may use the following lines in the DetectorConstruction class : // Water is defined from NIST material database. G4NistManager * man = G4NistManager::Instance (); Physics Lists is the user class making general interface between physics and Geant4 kernel It should include the list of particles The G4ProcessManager of each particle maintains a list of processes There are 3 ordered lists of processes per particle which are active at different stage of Geant4 … Geant4 physics configuration • Organized via abstract interfaces • Physics List class is responsible for configuration of physics • Geant4 provides several reference Physics Lists • Since version 9.6 Geant4 default is FTFP_BERT • Components of a reference Physics List: • Electromagnetic physics (EM) Updating/augmenting Physics Lists (3) Steps taken so far: –radioactive decay added to local 9.4 version of Shielding physics list (Mike Kelsey) –9.4 version of Shielding (w/o radioactive decay) back-ported to local copy of Geant4 9.3p02 •temporary measure until users are satisfied with 9.4 and until next official version of Geant4 comes out 4.1. New physics list mechanism ¶ WARNING : big change from Gate V7.0. Up to now, physic lists were set in GATE according to macro files containing list of command to add physical processes.